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The World Building Fellowship* was created to help aspiring and emerging post-collegiate animators excel in careers in the arts by connecting them with socially-conscious nonprofits, coalitions, and community groups. We train fellows to produce high-quality content with real-world applications. Recruitment focuses on majority BIPOC students from Minority Serving Institutions and First Gen Forward colleges. Participants receive a $2,000 stipend, 1:1 remote mentorship from an experienced Mentorship Coordinator, and on-the-job experience with a socially-conscious organization.
*The name “World-Building” winks at the pre-production phase in animation production while simultaneously referring to the primary goal of this initiative: to empower young animators to contribute to the global landscape by producing animated content.
WBF Objectives
Endow fellows with time and resources to expand their professional portfolios.
Provide fellows with tools to navigate the gig economy via resume workshopping and networking opportunities.
Facilitate professional experience with clients, professional artists, and organizations.
Support the social-emotional growth of artists through wellness coaching (ie. self care and expectation management)
Encourage tomorrow’s leaders in the arts by instilling a sense of confidence and commitment to long-term change as fellows witness the impact of their creative contributions.
- Support socially-conscious organizations with high-quality animation and the creativity of passionate young artists.
Project Personnel & Collaborators

Miranda Javid (mir-an-duh jah-veed), Animator & Professor / Mentorship Coordinator
Miranda Javid, Animator & Professor / Mentorship Coordinator: Miranda Javid is a professional animator with six years teaching at the college level, primarily at Minority Serving and First Gen institutions. She is the recipient of the University of California Pedagogical Fellowship and has received additional teaching certifications in Diversity and Inclusion through the Center for Teaching Excellence and Inclusion (at Cal State LA). In 2020, she founded Action Graphics Network, a volunteer network that pairs financially stable artists with socially conscious organizations. Her films have shown nationally and internationally at festivals like the Ann Arbor Film Festival, Slamdance, and the Maryland Film Festival. Miranda is a Kenan Fellow, a recipient of the Nancy Harrigan Prize, given through the Baker Artist Fund, and a Sherman Fairchild Grantee. Her primary directive as an educator is to empower youth to safely grow into leadership roles.
Experience Overview
- Miranda’s equity-focused teaching experience
- 3 years teaching Animation + Design at Cal State LA (Hispanic Serving Institution / Asian American Native American, Pacific Islander-Serving Institution / First-Gen Forward Institution)
- 4 years teaching Animation + Design at UC Irvine (Hispanic Serving Institution / Asian American Native American, Pacific Islander-Serving Institution / First-Gen Forward Institution)
- Inclusive Teaching Fellow
- Certificate and training given through the Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning (Calstate LA)
- University of California Pedagogical Fellow
- Awarded a 1-year fellowship aimed and Inclusion and Equity through the Division of Teaching Excellence and Inclusion (University of California system)
- In 2020, Miranda founded Action Graphics Network which, to date has produced over 50 graphic projects for non-profits.
- The World Building Fellowship borrows its non-profit partnership workflow from Action Graphics Network, while adding mentorship and financial support to emerging adults from Minority Serving Institutions.
Miranda has existing and ongoing relationships at the following Minority Serving and First Genforward institutions.
- Calstate Los Angeles
- University of California Irvine
- Santa Ana Community College
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